Best exercises to lose belly fat:Aerobic exercise Abdominal muscle training
What are the best exercises to lose belly fat? Exercise is a very effective way to reduce belly fat, and in this article, we will cover some of the exercises that will help you lose belly fat.
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise can help burn fat throughout the body, including belly fat. Common aerobic exercises include jogging, brisk walking, swimming, cycling and so on. It is recommended to perform 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week to keep your body healthy and improve your metabolism.
Jogging is a great aerobic exercise that can help burn fat throughout the body. Before you start jogging, it is recommended to perform proper warm-up activities, such as walking easily or doing some joint exercises. When jogging, keep your breathing even and your stride steady, and gradually increase the amount of exercise every week.
Brisk Walking
Brisk walking is a kind of low-intensity aerobic exercise, suitable for people who are losing weight for the first time. When walking, keep your back straight, take big, strong steps, and limit each workout to between 30-60 minutes.
Swimming is a full-body exercise that can effectively burn belly fat. When swimming, it is important to keep your body stable and even breathe, and each exercise lasts 30-60 minutes.
Cycling is a low-impact aerobic exercise that can effectively burn belly fat. When riding a bike, keep your back straight and your legs strong, and each workout lasts 30-60 minutes.
Abdominal Muscle Training
Abdominal muscle training can help strengthen the abdominal muscles and make the abdominal line more visible. Common abdominal muscle exercises include sit-ups, push-ups and planks. It is recommended to perform abdominal muscle exercises 2-3 times a week, each lasting 20-30 minutes to keep your abdominal muscles energized.
Sit-ups are a very effective way to train your abdominal muscles. To perform crunches, keep your back straight, slowly raise your upper body and then slowly lie down. The number of exercises should be kept between 10-20 per session.
Push-ups are a full-body exercise that can help strengthen your abdominal muscles. When doing push-ups, keep your body straight and your arms perpendicular to the ground, and keep the number of reps between 10-20 per movement.
Flat support
Flat supports are a full-body exercise that can help strengthen the abdominal muscles. When doing flat supports, keep your body straight, arms perpendicular to the ground, and keep each exercise between 30-60 seconds.