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How long maximum delay in periods if not pregnant

 How long maximum delay in periods if not pregnant? It is normal to delay menstruation for 3-7 days without pregnancy, depending on the individual's health condition.

Menstruation, also known as menstruation, is vaginal bleeding that occurs three to seven days a month after a woman becomes sexually mature and is called menstruation.

A woman's menstrual cycle usually lasts between 21 and 35 days. A menstrual cycle that lasts less than 21 days is considered to be a short cycle, also known as frequent menstruation. If it is more than 35 days, it is a long menstrual cycle, also known as scanty menstruation. The menstrual period usually lasts from 3 to 8 days, with less than 2 days indicating a shortened menstrual period and more than 8 days indicating a prolonged menstrual cycle.

If the menstrual period lasts for more than 7 days, it is necessary to investigate the cause of excessive menstruation such as pregnancy, endocrine disorders, thyroid dysfunction, etc., which may lead to irregular or inability to menstruate.

There are many reasons for delayed menstrual cycles, such as mental stress, work stress, frequent late nights, overeating and weight loss.

During menstruation, women should avoid colds and strenuous exercise. They should also avoid sexual intercourse and frequent massage and stimulation of the abdomen. During menstruation, attention should be paid to the hygiene of external genitalia, supplementation of nutrition and prohibition of drug abuse.

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