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What percentage of cervical biopsies are cancer

What percentage of cervical biopsies are cancer? The accuracy of cervical biopsy is usually up to 90%-95%, but the accuracy is not high. If the test results show abnormalities, it is necessary to cooperate with other tests in time to avoid delays.

A cervical biopsy is an examination of diseased tissue removed from the outer cervix. It is a diagnostic method mainly used to determine the presence of cervical cancer. It usually involves working with your doctor to perform cervical scraping cytology, colposcopy, and cervical biopsy. Cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the cervix and cervical canal and is usually caused by human papillomavirus infection.

To perform a cervical biopsy, a biopsy forceps is used to take a sample at the site of the cervical lesion, which is then pathologically examined. If the test result shows cancer, it is necessary to cooperate with the doctor for surgical treatment, such as cervical conization and hysterectomy. If the test results show normal, no special treatment is usually needed because the incidence of cervical cancer is relatively low, so the accuracy rate of cervical biopsy can usually reach 90%-95%.

Patients should avoid sexual activity, vaginal douching or the use of vaginal suppositories for 4 days before undergoing a cervical biopsy to avoid affecting the test results. Before the test, it is important to maintain a light diet and avoid spicy and greasy foods to prevent cervical congestion, which can affect the test results.

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